i can't believe how quickly Christmas is coming. andrew and i were doing some final shopping yesterday. i have all of our gifts wrapped and under the tree. we have one left to get but it's all food so we thought we should probably wait until closer to the day to get that one. haha!
i made our stockings this year. i was excited to have a project to finally try my sewing machine on. my grandma had gotten it for me for my birthday and i had to find the time and a good project to try it on and that was perfect!

so it's been a really long time since i have posted and so much has happened since then i'm not real sure where to start. we have three new additions to our family since february. as you can see a baby. Bennett Michael, October 12, 2010, 7lbs - 5 oz, 20.5 inches. Moose, his birthday is May 30th, but we got him in August - he is a blue tick/walker hound. and Peter - not sure when he was born, but we got him for Easter this year. i am over-run with boys...but then again, i always did hang out with the guys more than the girls.
i am at home now, not working anymore, being a stay-at-home-mom. i love it. it's fun being able to be there for all of Bennett's big moments and watching his progress daily.

andrew is leaving for basic training January 4th and we will be and are sad to see him go but it is going to be so good for our family. he is hoping to be able to get a job working at an airline when he gets home. i think it's a good goal and i am very proud of him for
planning on going after it!
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